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BARIToNE: Barley Industrial Training Network is a £3.6m BBSRC and industry-funded six-year Collaborative Training Partnership (CTP) providing support for 30 PhD researchers and led by the Scotch Whisky Research Institute. It focuses on the medium-long term challenge of maintaining a sustainable supply of local high-quality barley, produced using fewer inputs and having fewer environmental impacts. It will provide state of the art research training through close academic associations with the International Barley Hub (IBH) and innovation through industry-relevant research. It is focused on research excellence as a vehicle to ensure the long-term sustainability of barley supply and value chains.
The BARIToNE CTP brings together academic and commercial partners to offer high-quality collaborative research projects across all areas of the barley supply chain. All participants have a strong desire for their products to be carbon neutral and are keen to support initiatives that reduce environmental impacts across all sectors of the supply and value chain.
The principal focus of this industry-led collaborative training partnership is therefore on driving down the environmental footprint of primary production while maintaining a sustainable supply of high-quality barley.
Vacant positions/jobs/student ships
Global production of Barley is currently ~150 million tonnes. This is expected to increase with demand from developing economies, notably China. The rapid advances in genomics are leading to an unprecedented ability to identify causal genes for economically important characters, including those that improve performance in farmers fields and that influence end product quality. This facilitates the development and selection ofnovel or improved germplasm in the laboratory that can be incorporated by breeders in their conventional breeding programmes.